Portals to World Newspapers and Magazines on the Web |
There are a plethora of databases and portals that allow you to find newspapers or magazines in the native language. Generally you may browse by geographic location and category. Check out these sites to see which directory you like best:
ABYZ News Links Index, www.abyznewslinks.com, an online Newspaper and News Media Guide for countries worldwide.
Actualidad.com - worldNewspapersonline, www.actualidad.com, is a source for world newspapers online.
All You Can Read.com, www.allyoucanread.com, is a large database of magazines and newspapers on the Internet, with about 22,800 listings from all over the world.
DailyEarth, www.dailyearth.com, is a global newspaper directory.
Kidon Media-Link is a worldwide guide to news sources online.
Nettizen.com is a franchise and business opportunity directory, which includes an International Newspaper Directory.
Newslink.com provides links to worldwide online newspapers.
NEWSparadies, www.newsparadise.com, provides links to more than 120 of the best English-language newspapers around the world.
Online Newspapers, www.onlinenewspapers.com, lists more than 1,000 links to online newspapers worldwide.
World-Newspapers.com, www.world-newspapers.com, lists world newspapers, magazines, and news sites in English, sorted by country and region.
World Press, www.theworldpress.com, provides links to 5204 newspapers in 192 countries.

World News Websites |
The Globalist, www.theglobalist.com, is a daily online magazine on the global economy, politics and culture (free for registered users).
Global Voices, globalvoicesonline.org, is a non-profit global citizens’ media project, giving a voice to grassroots citizens’ media worldwide. The site links to forums, podcasts, and audio and video blogs from 130 countries; it provides a great conglomerate of views, opinions, and commentary from outside the U.S.
Independent Media Center (IMC), www.indymedia.org/en/index.shtml, is a collective of independent media organizations and hundreds of journalists offering grassroots, non-corporate coverage.
United Nations News Service, www.un.org/news, provides global news with a broad focus, from environment and humanitarian issues to global economic issues and politics.
WorldPress.org, www.worldpress.org, provides news and views from around
the world, including a listing of worldwide blogs.
World Radio Stations on the Web |
As with newspapers, there are scores of sites springing up which list international radio stations, though often the connection to the station listed can be problematic.
Live-radio.net provides continuously updated links to thousands of online radio stations worldwide.
Radio Tower is an extensive Internet radio directory for online radio stations and streaming live audio from around the world.
The Voice of America broadcasts U.S. related news, information, educational, and cultural programming worldwide, via short wave, AM, FM radio, satellite television and the Internet.
Radio-Locator is a radio station search engine on the internet, with links to over 10,000 radio station web pages and over 2500 audio streams from radio stations in the U.S. and around the world.
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